Smile International Travel

Kathmandu to Bharatpur Flight Ticket

Kathamndu to Bharatpur Flight Ticket Booking

Kathmandu to Bharatpur flight Ticket booking online 24 hours service available. There are more then 6 regular non stops Kathmandu to Bharatpur Flight. You may send email or call 00977 9861117417 for the booking. Bharatpur Airport is the nearest airport from Chitwan National Park. Fly to Chitwan National Park is the most easy way to travel within 20 minutes from Kathmandu. There are different means of transport but flight is the most convenient transportation to get Chitwan National Park. We offer online booking for cheap fare air ticket. Please find the schedule time of Kathmandu to Bharatpur Flight and Bharatpur to Kathmandu fight. You may book the flight ticket online.

Bharatpur is the main airport for Chitwan National Park which is located in Chitwan District. There are many domestic airlines offer daily flights from Kathmandu to Bharatpur Flight and flight from Bharatpur to Kathmandu Flight. It is only 20 minutes flight and you can enjoy watching view of green forest, hill, and Rivers while flying.

Buddha Air and Yeti Airlines are the major airlines offers between Kathmandu and Bharatpur flight. You can ask for booking by selecting the flight schedule and we will send the confirmation.

Book your online flights ticket from Kathmandu to Bharatpur flight or Bharatpur to Kathmandu flight with confidence and get the lowest, cheapest air fare, price and receive instant e-ticket by e-mail.

Kathmandu to Bharatpur Flight information

Flight Kathmandu to Bharatpur Flight.
Airlines Buddha Air & Yeti Airlines are the major airlines.
Daily flights 6+ Flights daily between Kathmandu and Bharatpur.
Flight Duration 20 Minutes (around).
First Flight time 09:30 am from Kathmandu to Bharatpur Flight with Yeti Airlines.
Bharatpur Airport IATA Code BHR
Flight Fare Please contact to customer service offer by email or telephone call for our best offer.
Bharatpur Airport Name Bharatpur Airport.
Bharatpur Gateway Chitwan National Park & other cities of Chitwan District
Online Booking Service Online Booking Service are available with us for Kathmandu to Bharatpur Flight is available with us.

Kathmandu to Bharatpur Flight Schedule

Kathmandu to Bharatpur 09:30 09:50
Yeti Airlines
Yeti Airlines -YT 135
Kathmandu to Bharatpur 09:45 10:10
Buddha Air
Buddha Air – U4 351
Kathmandu to Bharatpur 11:15 11:35
Yeti Airlines
Yeti Airlines -YT 173
Kathmandu to Bharatpur 11:45 12:10
Buddha Air
Buddha Air – U4 353
Kathmandu to Bharatpur 13:15 13:35
Yeti Airlines
Yeti Airlines -YT 133
Kathmandu to Bharatpur 13:30 13:55
Buddha Air
Buddha Air – U4 355
Kathmandu to Bharatpur 14:00 14:25
Buddha Air
Buddha Air – U4 357

Bharatpur to Kathmandu Flight Schedule

Bharatpur to Kathmandu 10:00 10:30
Yeti Airlines
Yeti Airlines -YT 136
Bharatpur to Kathmandu 10:30 10:55
Buddha Air
Buddha Air – U4 352
Bharatpur to Kathmandu 11:55 12:15
Yeti Airlines
Yeti Airlines -YT 174
Bharatpur to Kathmandu 12:30 12:55
Buddha Air
Buddha Air – U4 354
Bharatpur to Kathmandu 13:55 14:15
Yeti Airlines
Yeti Airlines -YT 134
Bharatpur to Kathmandu 14:15 14:40
Buddha Air
Buddha Air – U4 356
Bharatpur to Kathmandu 14:45 15:10
Buddha Air
Buddha Air – U4 358
Bharatpur to Kathmandu 15:15 15:40
Buddha Air
Buddha Air – U4 360

We also offer Jungle Safari Tour in CHITWAN NATIONAL PARK, please find the details

Jungle Safari Chitwan